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Information for designers

If you're a participating designer, the information you'll need is here!

Announcing new pattern releases

"New releases" refers to any new patterns and/or collections released after the event start date (November 24, 2023), provided they're available on at least one off-Ravelry sales channel. This can also include existing patterns and/or collections which have gone through an inclusivity upgrade, like adding more sizes or including low vision features.

Use our new releases form opens in new window to submit your new patterns for all to see! Form submissions will be used to add new releases to designers' pages and the pattern search on this website, and on the publicly-available master spreadsheet opens in new window.

If you're on our Discord server, you can post about your new patterns to the #new-releases channel. And of course you should also feel free to post about it on social media using the #FastenOffYAL event hashtag.

Important note

Designer signups are now CLOSED for the 2023 event. Thank you so much to everyone who joined!

We're leaving all the signup information here for the reference of our participating designers.

Do you qualify to sign up as a participating designer?

There is no minimum number of total self-published patterns required to be a participating designer.

Please note, though, that your patterns should be of professional quality, tested and/or tech edited to make them as error-free as possible. Inclusive patterns are particularly encouraged (accessible to crafters with low vision, screen reader compatible, graded to a full range of sizes, etc.)

There are zero restrictions on whether designers are participating in any other designer events at the same time.

Also please see participating designer responsibilities.

What we can do for you

Responsibilities of participating designers

How to maximize your participation in the yarnalong and grow your audience

Of course, you don't have to do any of these things if you don't have the capacity, but fuller participation in the yarnalong generally leads to being "discovered" by more makers, and increased audience growth, for both yourself and the yarnalong.

Signing up

The sign-up period is now CLOSED. We hope you'll join us next year!